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Friends of Reusable Bags workshop back!

On Saturday, February 17, 2024, after what feels like a VERY long hiatus, the Friends of Reusable Bags of Greening Greenfield held a Bag-making workshop in the Markers’ Space in the new Greenfield Public Library.  It drew from a lively crowd of shoppers who were enjoying the monthly winter Farmer’s Market held on the first floor of the library.  Over 40 people attended, many families with kids, both hesitant and eager, to try their hands as making their own bags.  Everyone left with at least one bag and a smile on their faces.  A total of fifty bags were made and many of these were left as donations to be distributed at a variety of markets around town.

Greening Greenfield Invasive Burning Bush Clipping Parties

1:30-3:30 pm on November 25 & 26

Greening Greenfield invites everyone to join them for a ‘clipping party’ and get outdoors and start the process of getting rid of invasive burning bush around Poets Seat Tower and Highland Park this coming weekend November 25, and 26, at 1:30 pm.

Why should we worry about some plants? Doug Tallamy, author of Bringing Nature Home fame asks this question in his latest book for kids called Natures Best Hope, when he asks “Can one ‘invader’ really ruin a whole ecosystem?”

His answer to readers is YES! “What makes an invader such a problem is that it doesn’t stay where it is put. It spreads and spreads and spreads and makes it impossible for native plants to grow. So, yes, one invader really can ruin a whole ecosystem.” Think Kudzu in the South.As for burning bush (Euonymus alatus), the focus of Greening Greenfield’s effort, it, like many other plants, was brought here by horticulturalists to sell, because it has beautiful fall color, and it is easy to grow. It may be eye candy for us and the birds, but like candy for humans it does not have the nutrients that birds need to thrive. Additionally, it spreads everywhere because the birds poop the seeds and plant this invasive shrub throughout our  forests and fields, displacing native plants!

Other plants were brought here by European colonists, or by mistake as seeds in earth carried in boats for ballast. While there are 2600 non-native plants in New England, fortunately only about 100 plants have been listed invasive by the Invasive Plant Atlas of New England (IPANE.)

“I find cutting back invasives very satisfying, and a great way to spend time with folks outdoors.”  says Nancy Hazard, organizer of the Greening Greenfield clipping party. “My motivation is to keep nature as healthy as possible, save trilliums and other wildflowers, and help restore our climate and increase biodiversity.”

Over the past two years, Greening Greenfield members worked to get permission from the Greenfield Conservation Commission and the Parks and Recreation Department to remove plants in these two areas. Karro Frost, from the Natural Heritage & Endangered Species Program (NHESP) of MA Wildlife, came twice to walk the area with them to ensure they would not disturb any rare and endangered species. While not endangered, in Highland Park, there are a lot of wild trilliums and other spring ephemeral flowers that could be shaded out by these invasive shrubs.

To register for any day and get details such as tools to bring, go to Greening Greenfield’s website  and hit “contact,” or send an email directly to or call 413-774-5667.